Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB)
Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) was a statutory body formed on 1-2-1959 under the Electricity Supply Act.1948. Subsequently with the re-organization of the erstwhile State of Punjab under the Punjab Re-organization Act 1966 this form came into existence w.e.f. 1st May, 1967.
Vide Notification No 1/9/08-EB(PR)196,dated-16.04.2010 Govt. of Punjab unbundled Punjab State Electricity Board into two companies
- Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. (POWERCOM)
- Punjab State Transmission Corporation Ltd. (TRANSCO)
For more information, you may visit their website :- http://www.pspcl.in/
For more information, you may visit their website :- http://www.pstcl.org/